
The value of talent


Respecting Individuals

Every employee is a unique individual, and we respect their individuality and contribution, encouraging diversity and inclusivity.

Fairness and Impartiality

Implement the principles of fairness and impartiality in recruitment, promotion, and compensation to ensure that every employee has equal opportunities to showcase their talents.

Ability and Performance Orientation

Emphasize the abilities and performance of employees, measure their performance through an objective evaluation system, and use it as a basis for rewards and promotions.


Encourage employees to live and learn, provide training and opportunities to help employees improve their skills, and achieve personal career development.

Team Work

Emphasize team spirit and collaborative ability. Teamwork is an important way to achieve organizational goals and personal growth.

Innovation and Creativity

Encouraging employees to innovate their thinking and try new methods is a key factor in driving organizational development.

Responsibility and Commitment

Expect employees to take responsibility for their work and have a strong sense of commitment to the organization's goals and values.

Good Communication

Advocate for an open communication environment, ensure transparency of information, and enable employees to understand the direction of the organization and how their work is related to it.


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Factory address:61 Jiangshan Road, Jingjiang City, Jiangsu Province

Office address:1#309 Fortune Plaza, No. 1099 Baodai Road West, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

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